
So you want to know about me, eh?

Well here it is: I graduated from Baylor University with a degree in Computer Science. After graduation I took the summer to acquire my private pilot's license, and then took a job writing c++ for a company in downtown Dallas called Oz Systems, a small biotech company founded by a brilliant doctor turned programmer named Ken Pool.

I then took a hiatus from the IT Industry and became an English Teacher in Suwon, South Korea at Dream Kids English Academy, which I did for exactly one year's time. Here are a few sample pictures from my time there.

Then I moved back to the states, and after a few months off I took a job working for a web hosting company. After several months I took another job with Tech Depot, an online division of Office Depot, where I was employed as a QA Analyst. Now I work for Arts and Entertainment Televesion Networks as the lead QA Analyst. I currently live in Milford, Connecticut, just a short walk from the train.

Now for the fun stuff. I love music, I play the guitar and sometimes fiddle around on the violin. I love performance arts, musicals, plays, operas, symphonies, rock concerts, etcetera. I also love flying airplanes, reading a good book, and playing any conventional recreational sport you can name. There's also sailing and the ocean, exploring nature, and travelling the world over.

I am always looking for ways to enrich my life.
